Llyfrgell Library

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Type Originator Title Date
Shaw,TForeign travellers in the Slovene Karst 1537 - 1900 2000
Habe,FPostojna 1976
Postojna Caves 1990
Habe,FPostojnska jama 1978
AuthorSlojame 2018
Shaw,T & Cuk,ASlovene Karst and Caves in the Past 2015
Bishop,ISlovenia Cave Guide, caves of the classical Karst 1997
Jamarska Sekcija PD Tolmin & Imperial College Caving ClubThe Hollow Mountain 3. 2013 - 2017 2019
Habe,FThe Postojna Grottoes 1974
Peric,B (ed)The Skocjan Caves Regional Park 2002
Serko,A & Ivan,MThe cave of postojna and other curiosities of the Karst 1953
Hofman,PWege in Istrien 2007

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